MCES Business to Business
Managed Care Eco Solutions is committed to adding value to its business relationships with existing and potential new customers within the detergent manufacturing industry. The MCES Business to Business programme is modelled on the premise that we will supply Biological and Detergent Enzymes within the cleaning solutions manufacture and formulating business sector assisting manufacturers and formulators in developing sustainable cleaning solutions.
Think Cleaner Greener Smarter
Enzymes have been used for hundreds of years, and today the use of them is almost without limits – find out what enzymes are and how they work.
Enzymes are the tools of nature
Enzymes cut and paste products such as nutrients. They speed up all vital biological processes. The enzymes in the stomach, for instance, ensure that food is cut into tiny particles that can be converted into energy in the body. Wherever one substance needs to be transformed into another, nature uses enzymes to speed up the process.